Archive for October, 2010

Stylish Dog Crate End Tables

October 7, 2010

Thinking about getting a dog crate for your dog but don’t like the way they look? Wooden end table dog crates are not just an ordinary dog crate they are a beautiful piece of furniture. These gorgeous pieces for furniture known as a dog crate table can be found at

We don’t know about you, but wire dog crates tend to be a bit unattractive for indoor use. Have you ever seen one that you would want in your living room? Me either but these pieces are so nice visitors won’t even now you have a dog in there.

You have spent a lot of time and effort to make your home beautiful, now your pet’s home can blend right in with your home decor. With the beautiful end table wooden dog crates from you can choose from different colors of wood to match your home. Even though theses are hardwood dog crates you won’t have to worry about clean-up. The easy to clean Extra™ waterproof crate floor eliminates the absorption of liquids and odors. These dog cages are thoughtfully designed to accommodate ordinary sized crate pads also sold at and cushions.

Access for you and your pet is super easy too. A swinging door encloses your pet at nighttime or lets him come and go as he pleases. The dog crate door can also swing inside so it’s out of the way. You will now be able to restrain your pet in style.

These stylish dog crates also save space because the can be pushed right up against furniture or a wall and look great.  Just like ordinary dog crates these end table crates provide a secure spot for your pet to nap or relax. These crates found at are handcrafted dog crates made of solid wood and wood composites with a sturdy metal latch to keep your dog confined when you’re away or have guests. Much more appealing looking than a metal pet cage.

When considering purchasing a wood dog crate end table you must know that they are a little more costly. If you don’t need to move it around and just want to use it as an end table it is well worth it to spend a little extra to have that stylish look in your home.

When shopping at KozyDogs you can choose from medium or large dog crate tables in hardwood or oak.  Why not own one of these fine pieces of furniture for your dog, and invite people over and your dog will be safe in his dog crate, and your guests won’t even know it is a dog crate.  Yu can even use two of them on the sides of your sofa.

Should I Use A Dog Kennel?

October 7, 2010

Many Dog owners are skeptical about using a dog kennel to contain their dog. Many of them believe that a dog kennel is cruel for a pet, but actually they are a safe place for your dog.  A dog kennel from is a perfect choice for keeping your dog in his safe haven.

Dogs have always found safety and security in their own dens, and a dog kennel brings out the same animal instincts for them to feel that sense of security. At they recommend using the dog pen as a temporary safe place. It should never be thought of or used as a permanent living space. Doing this can be very unhealthy for your pet, it limits them from exercise and many other things.

When having a new puppy in your home, dog kennel training is a great way to train.  Using a kennel is the best and most successful way to train a pet in just a few days. It also keeps them away from any danger. Often times bringing a new puppy into the home is like having a toddler getting into everything. A dog kennel like the ones sold at can provide a cozy, den-like resting place for your pup, and also keep them safe. A dog kennel can be found in many styles and shapes, including indoor and outdoor types.

Use a small dog kennel for short term use, and it is best to use a bigger one for extended periods of use. Another great idea is using a collapsible dog kennel if you need to take it with you at times.

The most popular dog kennel is one made of heavy gauge steel. They are very easy to set up and the kennels at come with additional features, such as a sun block top and anchor kits.

Just remember it’s important to concentrate on the right dog kennel for your dog. Remember dogs like that cozy den feeling, so to them a dog kennel would be a great safe haven. It is also a nice safe place for them to go out an play outside the house.

Facts About Underground Dog Fences

October 6, 2010

It is a good idea to get the facts about how an underground dog fence works and what it does before purchasing one. An invisible dog fence is also known as an underground fences or in-ground electric fences. There are several to choose from at, these types of dog fences are very popular with dog owners that want to keep there dog safe in their own yard.

An invisible dog fence consists of an electric wire which is buried 2 to 3 inches in the ground then covered up with the dirt. This process is explained in detail at The wire provides a radio signal that sends messages to a training collar which the dog wears at all times . When the dog approaches the boundary, the collar will sound a beep, followed by a mild electric shock.

Choosing the right underground dog fence can be confusing because of the wide variety of fences available.  At you can view the different types available. There are ones for lots of acreage or small backyards.  There are also different types of fences for small dogs or stubborn dogs or multiple dogs. A quality dog fence is sold by PetSafe, Innotek, and DogTek.

Also, buying a sturdy wire for your electric fence is important for carrying the signal properly. Most wire is included when you buy the entire kit in a box There is also a more heavy duty wire for more severe outdoor elements or very hard soil.

When your invisible dog fence is installed, remember good training of the dog is a must. You can read a free guide to training your dog using an invisible pet fence on the website

This type of dog fence is also much more affordable compared to a normal physical fence, even if you hire a professional to install your invisible dog fence. An underground dog fence leaves your yard more attractive, and doesn’t take away the view. At they  can help you to make the right decision for your needs. A traditional dog fence isn’t reliable, dogs dig under them, jump over them, and run away through open gates. An invisible dog fence can still be used when you have a physical fence as well.

Facts to Know About Dog Beds

October 6, 2010

Anyone who is a dog owner know you have to have a great dog bed for your special family member. Every dog owner needs a dog bed to keep their dog warm and comfortable. You can find many styles, sizes and colors at It’s okay to let your puppy sleep with you to feel warm, safe and cozy, but when your dog grows to it’s full size at 100 lb, it won’t be okay. A pet bed is a great way to let your dog feel safe and secure in his own special environment. At you can choose from heated beds, memory foam beds and dog mats to find one for every need.

Medical reasons are also a real good reason to invest in a dog bed from Sleeping on the floor or other hard surfaces can cause arthritis and calluses in your dog’s later years. Starting them out right with a good dog bed will keep them healthy and happy.

It can be a difficult decision trying to decide which type of dog bed to get. Make sure the bed is big enough for your dog. At they can help you choose the right one for your dog and you. There are many styles of dog beds, such as indoor or outdoor, heated or not heated, and orthopedic beds for older dogs. Be sure to select one that fits your dogs lifestyle.

Also consider a machine washable dog bed . Your dog and the bed are going to get dirty a lot so you’ll be washing them often. There is a large selection of these types of dog beds at as well. Cedar shavings inside the bed can help stop fleas and other bugs from getting on your pet and dog bed.

So consider all these facts before you purchase so you and your dog can sleep happily ever after!

A Comfy Dog Crate Bed for Your Pet

October 6, 2010

Does you’re dog have to stay in his crate while you are away, do you know how comfortable is he in his crate? You want your dog to be comfortable when he has  to be in his crate for long periods of time. A Crate dog bed from can help increase your pets comfort.

Because your dog spends most of his time lying down in the crate, a dog crate bed is a terrific idea.  So if the dog spends most of his time in the laying position you’ll want to provide him with some cushion from crate bed assortment.

A crate bed is a convenient product that can help provide comfort for the time your pet has to be in his crate. Because the beds are designed to fit well and are sized to fit in the size of your crate, you can have a perfect fit . At their dog beds are sized to fit their dog crates so you could purchase them together.

Buying the right size crate dog bed is very  important. You don’t want to buy a bed that is too large, then it might take up too much room in the crate. Or buy one that is too small, you can also choose from many colors and sizes.

Since you care so much about your dog and want him to be comfortable, then you’ll consider buying a dog bed for his crate. You and your dog will be happier. And check to help you find the perfect one or set together!

Invisible Dog Fence Layout

October 6, 2010

It is important to know how the layout of an invisible dog fence works before deciding to buy one.  An underground dog fence consists of a buried wire, transmitter and dog collar receiver. A great place to find a large selection of this type of fence is at they have every type of dog fence from the standard type to stubborn dog to small dog and many more.

The wire is usually buried about to 2 to 3 inches below the ground. Flags are placed in strategic locations to give you and the dog a visual location of the wire perimeter. The dog wears an electric containment collar, which has a receiver that detects when the dog is getting to close to the wire of the underground fence . It is at this point, the receiver gives an audible warning sound. If the dog keeps going towards the wire of the electric fence , then the collar will emit a mild electric shock to get the dog’s attention, and this shock is not at all harmful. This type shock can be compared to the  static electricity of your own carpet. The stimulation increases as the dog keeps going towards the boundaries of the dog fence, until the dog stops and retreats. This way, the dog quickly learns to stay within the boundaries of the wire dog fence.

The installation of the wire electric dog fence system involves laying the wire around the area to be contained, above the ground. Then dig a thin, shallow trench in the ground to lay the wire in, and tap the edges of the dirt back over the wire. If extra wire is needed also sells extra wire spools by itself. The wire has to be a closed loop, any obstacles in the way have to be run through or the wire made to run under existing cracks or drainage pipes to complete the loop of the dog fence. You can install the wire containment system to include the entire area of your yard, or only the backyard, or only the side yard or have double-loop installations that are a little more costly. Diagrams for these fenced areas can be found at Some dog owners like to combine an electrical dog fence with a physical fence added protection. Although it is not necessary to have both fences, because the underground fence works so well and so quickly.

Time To Go into the Dog Crate

October 6, 2010

It can be very difficult sometime to get your dog to go into his dog crate.  The first thing you should do is show your dog that the dog crate is his little “safe haven”. Many dogs need a place of their own to lay down when needed. You can teach your dog to go into his dog crate  on command. There will be several times when that is needed, like when you have company over.

Purchase some tasty treats for training your dog to go into his dog cage. I would suggest you to break them into very small pieces because you’ll be using a few and to many treats can be fattening. At you can get him a soft dog crate bed to put inside his crate which would be a more inviting place to your dog.

Walk your dog to the crate and have him sit. With one of the treats in your hand, tell him to “get in your crate!” Then toss the treat into the dog crate and pull his leash forward in the direction of his crate. You will see that when he walks into the crate, his leash will automatically release the tension you have on it. Dog Crates from have either front door or side door entrance.

Close the door and tell him “Good Dog”, while he is eating his treat. Then open the door of the dog crate and let him out again. After he is entirely out of the crate make sure you praise him again for being a good dog. Repeat this entire exercise a few times.Then remove his leash, open the crate door and tell him to get in his dog crate again and toss the treat in there, close the crate door and praise him again. All crates from will be easy to use for this type of training.

After this has been done several times and you start to see that your dog is expecting to hear your command, then curtail the treats. You want your dog to eventually go in his crate on your command without a treat.

Since you have been doing this exercise with him for quite a while, he may try to run into his dog crate without your command after his leash is no long being used. If he does this you MUST tell him “No!” Remove him from the dog crate without praise and start the exercise over again. Remember, you want your dog to learn this trick so he will go into his dog crate on your command.

You may have a dog that gets motivated by using a toy from instead  of treats for his dog crate training  and that will work just as well. Either way have patience and use a lot of praise.

Need More Control? Use a Dog Training Collar.

October 5, 2010

A large majority of dog owners would like to have more control over their dogs. When it comes to using a dog training collar from, you will have more comfort and more control, and have the ability to teach your dog more effectively.

There is a type of collar for dog training that tends to look a little intimidating, these are referred to as shock collars. This is the prong collar it is extremely effective for controlling large, thick-necked dogs. This type of shock collar applies a mild shock to your pet. It will not do any harm to your dog as the shock is mild and does not hurt. It merely steers your dog in the right direction. This type of dog training collar is very effective in a short amount of time.

At they have a huge selection of all types of training collars for dogs.  If you are a new dog owner, this type of dog training collar is not recommended right away. When it comes to selecting the right dog collar from for your pet, be sure to get one for the type of training you will be doing. When it comes to a dog training collar, read and learn about the collar for proper use. Any dog training collar you choose to buy from will have full instructions that are easy to follow and often contain a DVD as well..

Great Reasons For Using Dog Crates

October 5, 2010

So many dog owners are now using many styles of  dog crates. More and more dog owners are getting dog crates for their dogs. They are finding there are so many uses for these different types of crates.

You must not think that  it is cruel to use dog crates for your lovable pet they are just temporary homes for transport or security or many other reasons. There are many different types of dog crates to use for your dog depending on what you may want it for. At you can certainly find a huge supply of quality dog crates.

All dog cages are the dogs den of this modern age. Dogs feel safe and secure in their own sort of doggy den.

The majority of dog crates from are fine for sleeping. It isn’t good for keeping the dog in all day just because you want it confined. It isn’t fine for use as a discipline tool, but it is alright if used properly for dog discipline. If you use one of the many quality dog crates from sparingly for discipline. Use dog crates to place your dog in it only when it’s clear to him why he’s being put inside. That way it’s clear to him the punishment is administered immediately when you catch the dog in the act of misbehaving and he can associate the punishment with his misbehavior. If he did something bad an hour ago don’t use a dog crates to lock him up, he won’t understand why.

Remember think about what you will be using the dog crate for, then shop at for the perfect one, consider size, shape and comfort when selecting one to purchase.

Quality Training Dog Collar Products

October 5, 2010

If you are like most of us dog owners you will notice all the types of  dog training products available on the market today, these training collar products available at can make life better for you and your dog.  These types of training collars help keep your dog in the yard or keep them from barking so much and many types of unwanted behaviors. You can buy an underground dog fence  that will keep your dog in your yard at all times. These dog training collars make life safer for your dog. When your dog is safe in his yard he won’t be able to get hit by vehicles or get hurt by other animals.

An invisible dog fence with a shock collar is a unique electronic device that marks a boundary that your dog will not cross like the ones at Flexible and unnoticeable wire is powered by a small power base that plugs in to your garage or any outlet in your home. The wires are plugged in to the power unit, the wire begins actively sending an antenna signal out. The signal receiver is your pet’s dog training collar. A pet fence works with static shock correction to the neck. This will stop your dog from crossing the wire boundary as he learns that the correction comes when he approaches. Fence kits come with flag markers for the ground so your dog can see a clear view of the boundaries. Invisible dog fence companies say that within 2 weeks, any dog will have the boundary learned and will not challenge it to cross over.

Bark collars sold at are designed to give peace and quiet back to you and your neighbors. Your dog will learn to be quiet with the use of the same type of static correction dog training collar that an underground pet fence uses. Bark control collars work very well, no matter what type of corrective action you choose.

Some collars use a citronella spray for correction and others have vibration or tone corrections, all of these types are sold at and all are very effective.

A specific remote training dog collar is another type of shock collar that you can buy for your dog. You use a small remote hand-held unit and your dog wears his collar. These type of dog training collars come in several types and styles at where you are sure to find the perfect one for your dog. When he needs correcting for something, you simply press a button. Dog trainers prefer to use these for in-session training because the handler is completely in control of the timing of the corrections being given. This dog training collar can even be used as a manual bark collar to deter them from barking excessively.

Try these effective training devices from for your dog and see just how quickly your dog become well behaved in no time at all!