Archive for the ‘Dog Accessories’ Category

No More Dog Anxiety With A Thundershirt!

September 18, 2010

Does your special member of the family suffer from dog anxiety? Whatever the situation may be that makes your dog anxious, fearful, reactive or over-excited then a Thundershirt is the perfect solution for dog anxiety. Available at

Thundershirt provides a gentle, constant pressure that brings calm and focus back to your dog. A unbelievable solution for many types of dog anxiety including thunder, fireworks, separation anxiety, travel, and crate anxieties. Also an incredible solution for eliminating “bad leash manners” such as barking, pulling or reactivity towards other animals and people.

Thundershirt for dogs patent-pending design is a pressure wrap that applies a gentle, constant pressure on your dog’s torso. From real world experience, it is well known with confidence that the Thundershirt from DOES WORK and WORKS WELL!!

A survey of Thundershirt users revealed that over 85% of dogs showed a significant improvement in dog anxiety symptoms when using Thundershirt. As for why Thundershirt’s gentle pressure works to calm a dog…no one knows for sure, really. There are theories, but no scientific studies to prove these theories.  According to expert Dr. Temple Grandin, pressure has a calming effect on the nervous system. Using pressure to relieve anxiety has been a common practice for many many years.

Until now, there just hasn’t been a well-designed, inexpensive pressure wrap universally used for canine anxiety. But Thundershirt for dogs is changing that. You’ll be glad to know Thundershirt from is highly recommended by thousands of veterinarians and trainers around the world.

So if your lovable pet suffers from any type of anxiety try a Thundershirt on them and they will feel much better and so will you!