Archive for the ‘Dog Beds’ Category

Facts to Know About Dog Beds

October 6, 2010

Anyone who is a dog owner know you have to have a great dog bed for your special family member. Every dog owner needs a dog bed to keep their dog warm and comfortable. You can find many styles, sizes and colors at It’s okay to let your puppy sleep with you to feel warm, safe and cozy, but when your dog grows to it’s full size at 100 lb, it won’t be okay. A pet bed is a great way to let your dog feel safe and secure in his own special environment. At you can choose from heated beds, memory foam beds and dog mats to find one for every need.

Medical reasons are also a real good reason to invest in a dog bed from Sleeping on the floor or other hard surfaces can cause arthritis and calluses in your dog’s later years. Starting them out right with a good dog bed will keep them healthy and happy.

It can be a difficult decision trying to decide which type of dog bed to get. Make sure the bed is big enough for your dog. At they can help you choose the right one for your dog and you. There are many styles of dog beds, such as indoor or outdoor, heated or not heated, and orthopedic beds for older dogs. Be sure to select one that fits your dogs lifestyle.

Also consider a machine washable dog bed . Your dog and the bed are going to get dirty a lot so you’ll be washing them often. There is a large selection of these types of dog beds at as well. Cedar shavings inside the bed can help stop fleas and other bugs from getting on your pet and dog bed.

So consider all these facts before you purchase so you and your dog can sleep happily ever after!

Give Your Dog A Heated Dog Bed

September 19, 2010

Depending on the position your dog sleeps in will determine what type of heated dog beds your pet will need . Whether your dog likes to sleep on his back or stomach, stretched or curled up you can the right heated dog bed for him at If your dog has long legs and likes to stretch them out, a bigger rectangular dog bed will fit their need. If your dog likes to curl up, a snug bed with high sides from will help him to feel more secure and therefore would be more suitable. The size of your dog is also a huge factor in determining which heated dog bed at  is best for him. The perfect bed will provide warmth, and security for your dog.

Heated dog beds keep your dog warm from the floor or cold drafts. If your dog sleeps in the backyard garage, porch or basement, heated dog beds will make a big difference on those chilly nights. A bed that properly fits your dogs size will help them to feel secure and safe. Heated dog beds are found in many styles at and they offer extra cushioned beds that are especially good for older dogs or dogs that are have arthritis.

Many of these pet beds offer energy efficient technology but they will not heat the entire surface of the bed. They will only heat where your dog is sleeping. Other styles from will keep your dog warm and toasty without the use of wires or batteries. These types of heated dog beds are thermally heated and come in many sizes from small to extra large.

Your dog is worth taking a time to find the perfect dog bed that will suit their needs. Heated pet beds are not expensive, and you will find that your dog will enjoy the benefits a good bed  will offer them!

Comfortable Memory Foam Dog Beds

September 18, 2010

We all want our pet to be comfortable when sleeping in their dog bed.  Memory foam dog beds from is the answer to your dog’s health and comfort. Your pet needs to have proper rest and a comfortable place to sleep just like us.  There are many benefits from using  memory foam dog beds with memory technology.

No matter if you dog is old or  young,  they are going to enjoy the comfort of memory foam dog beds found at Older dogs in particular need to have a bed that is supportive and comfortable. Memory foam mattresses are perfect because they conform to the contours of your pet just like the foam beds for humans. Memory foam dog beds from are soft enough for comfort yet firm enough for your dog to have the natural instinct to want to sleep on the ground satisfied.

When your dog has a better place to sleep naturally his sleep pattern should improve also. In human studies these type of pet beds with memory foam have helped people to sleep better on their beds of memory foam as well. Therefore if this is true wouldn’t you want the health benefit from this memory foam for your dog?
When your dog sleeps on these type of dog beds it allows them to have better blood flow, there won’t be any  pressure points created from their bones pressing against a hard bed or floor.

Your dog will have enjoyed a good night’s rest and have more energy and quality life from sleeping on memory foam dog beds found at

So give your dog the comfort and good health they deserve to life a long life!