Archive for the ‘Dog Training Collars’ Category

Need More Control? Use a Dog Training Collar.

October 5, 2010

A large majority of dog owners would like to have more control over their dogs. When it comes to using a dog training collar from, you will have more comfort and more control, and have the ability to teach your dog more effectively.

There is a type of collar for dog training that tends to look a little intimidating, these are referred to as shock collars. This is the prong collar it is extremely effective for controlling large, thick-necked dogs. This type of shock collar applies a mild shock to your pet. It will not do any harm to your dog as the shock is mild and does not hurt. It merely steers your dog in the right direction. This type of dog training collar is very effective in a short amount of time.

At they have a huge selection of all types of training collars for dogs.  If you are a new dog owner, this type of dog training collar is not recommended right away. When it comes to selecting the right dog collar from for your pet, be sure to get one for the type of training you will be doing. When it comes to a dog training collar, read and learn about the collar for proper use. Any dog training collar you choose to buy from will have full instructions that are easy to follow and often contain a DVD as well..

Quality Training Dog Collar Products

October 5, 2010

If you are like most of us dog owners you will notice all the types of  dog training products available on the market today, these training collar products available at can make life better for you and your dog.  These types of training collars help keep your dog in the yard or keep them from barking so much and many types of unwanted behaviors. You can buy an underground dog fence  that will keep your dog in your yard at all times. These dog training collars make life safer for your dog. When your dog is safe in his yard he won’t be able to get hit by vehicles or get hurt by other animals.

An invisible dog fence with a shock collar is a unique electronic device that marks a boundary that your dog will not cross like the ones at Flexible and unnoticeable wire is powered by a small power base that plugs in to your garage or any outlet in your home. The wires are plugged in to the power unit, the wire begins actively sending an antenna signal out. The signal receiver is your pet’s dog training collar. A pet fence works with static shock correction to the neck. This will stop your dog from crossing the wire boundary as he learns that the correction comes when he approaches. Fence kits come with flag markers for the ground so your dog can see a clear view of the boundaries. Invisible dog fence companies say that within 2 weeks, any dog will have the boundary learned and will not challenge it to cross over.

Bark collars sold at are designed to give peace and quiet back to you and your neighbors. Your dog will learn to be quiet with the use of the same type of static correction dog training collar that an underground pet fence uses. Bark control collars work very well, no matter what type of corrective action you choose.

Some collars use a citronella spray for correction and others have vibration or tone corrections, all of these types are sold at and all are very effective.

A specific remote training dog collar is another type of shock collar that you can buy for your dog. You use a small remote hand-held unit and your dog wears his collar. These type of dog training collars come in several types and styles at where you are sure to find the perfect one for your dog. When he needs correcting for something, you simply press a button. Dog trainers prefer to use these for in-session training because the handler is completely in control of the timing of the corrections being given. This dog training collar can even be used as a manual bark collar to deter them from barking excessively.

Try these effective training devices from for your dog and see just how quickly your dog become well behaved in no time at all!

Choosing A Hunting Dog Collar

September 18, 2010

With so many choices out there and not knowing a lot of information about dog training collars fro hunting dogs can be very frustrating . There are so many styles you can choose from. You want to make sure you choose one that will be right for the type of hunting and  dog you have. is a great place to find the right training collar for your dog.

SportDog shock collars are one of the more popular models types. Here are some of the SportDog collars that are very excellent choices.

The SportDog Field Trainer – This is  very affordable remote training dog collar from has a 400 yard range featuring a 2.8 oz receiver collar. Great for dogs over 30 pounds. You will find this shock collar works ideally for training in the field, or hunting with working close dogs. The transmitter and receiver are waterproof. Low ongoing stimulation levels and gradual increases between levels are quite useful with sensitive dogs or breeds. You can customize this Shock Dog Training Collar to correspond with your training preference.

SportDog Stubborn Dog Field Trainer – This is an incredibly multipurpose dog training collar.  It is an effective and inexpensive training collar with a 400 yard range featuring a 2.8 oz receiver shock collar. Great for dogs over 30 pounds or hunting breeds. This dog collar is one of the finest training collars from and is recommended for the dog that is hard to train. It is ideal for training in the field, or for hunting with your working dog. It has a waterproof transmitter and dog collar receiver. This dog training collar allows you to be able to modify the transmitter to meet your necessary training needs.

SportDog Wetland Hunter – This training collar is rugged, waterproof and submersible. Wetland Hunter shock collar from have a high-output receiver with more than enough power for even the toughest wetland hunting environments.

SportDog Sport Hunter – This rugged  training collar for dogs is versatile and exceptional in all environments. Transmitter and receiver are waterproof and submersible. The low continuous stimulation levels are particularly helpful with sensitive dogs or breeds. It has a 3/4 mile range with a comfortable feeling soft transmitter , this unit is very nice when handling.

SportDog dog collars from all have a variety of range levels and stimulation levels, you’ll want to read all the specifications about the dog training collar you are interested in purchasing. Always keep in mind a good hunting dog will be one that receives the right training that teaches him how to follow your commands.

Choose the Right Dog Training Collar

September 13, 2010

First of all if you want your dog training to be successful you need to have a dog that is willing to cooperate and learn. Of course your dog will have his usual needs like his own bed, own doghouse, own bowls, but he will also need some type of training dog collar from . Using the correct type of  dog training collar will make your entire training process much easier.

You don’t have to pay high prices for a dog training school when you can train your pup with an affordable training dog collar from . I have used them myself, they are a ideal and not at all harmful to your pet. These collars are proven to provide effective training. You want to be able to choose a collar that is effective and beneficial so you have immediate results. Depending on what type of training you need for your dog is a good way to establish what type of training collar for dogs you will actually need. You will want to select a training dog collar from that is especially designed to train for a certain field, such as excessive barking, yard control, hunting or something else.

There are bark collars especially designed to stop a dog from barking. You need to consider the intensity of training you would like to enforce. Don’t choose a dog training collar that is hard to use or one that just looks good. Select a training collar that goes with your pet’s size and behavior. Consider your dog’s age and breed as well. To train a small puppy choose a training dog collar specifically designed for little dogs. Comfort will also be very essential to your pet. The right dog training collar will be one that does not compromise the safety, health and comfort of your pet. And of course choose one that suites you as well. Select a training collar that is very easy for you to manage. It should not be difficult or complicated to use effectively.

So Many Reasons To Use a Bark Collar

September 13, 2010

Dog owners  know dog bark for many reasons,  but most of us want a dog to bark to warn us of something unusual. We don’t want constant barking all day every day.

A bark collar from is the most humane device you can invest in to put a halt to your dog’s excessive barking. An anti bark dog collar is an effective way to stop bothersome, barking dogs safely, and quickly. Correcting your dogs barking with a bark control collar is something you want to care of as quickly as possible.

The bark collar is a very effective dog training collar. Although many people think using this type of training collar is unsafe or inhumane.  This dog collar used for bark control uses sound to adjust the barking patterns and is very safe to use on your dog.

Choosing the right bark control collar is easy.  There several styles of the anti bark collar to help you train your dogs over-barking.   No matter how little, big or stubborn your dog may be, there is a bark collar for every type of dog and circumstance.
Bark collars will administer your dog a safe static correction when he barks. The dog collar will adjust the level of correction needed according to his barking.  A bark collar from is very reliable, most dogs stop barking right away.

If you don’t want to use ultra static correction type collar you can use a spray bark collar.  A burst of all natural citrus spray is emitted from the dog collar when your dog barks. Dogs find this quite annoying to their keen sense of smell.  While this bark collar is harmless, it is effective to stop excessive barking.
A static correction or spray bark collar are both very effective training collars to cease your dogs barking. I would highly recommend them to dog owners for a quick resolution to stop your dogs barking.

Shock Collar Training and Safety

November 23, 2009

Are you looking at  buying a shock collar to train your dog?  Let me tell about this dog training collar, I sell and have personally used it with effective results.  I must tell  this dog training collar is harmless to your pet.  The shock feeling is no more unpleasant than you getting a shock from your own carpet.   There are several levels of correction which you can use, light to moderate shock.  A safe shock will train your pet and keep him from misbehaving or getting injured.  a lot people don’t approve of using a shock collar, but they would know they are perfectly safe if they had done the research.  Shock Collars were designed not to  physically hurt your pet in any way.  This dog collar works very quickly with immediate results.

The way a shock collar works is very easy. When your pet is doing something you disapprove of,  the remote will be used to give a light shock.   You will want to be  consistent when using a dog training collar for effective results. This dog collar does work and is safe.

A shock collar can be used for many unwanted behaviors  to train your dog. Train them to stay in their own yard, not to dig or tear up things, to keep them from jumping up on people and many other unwanted behaviors.  With use of this type of dog training collar your dog will associate the bad behavior with the stimulation instead of you the owner.

The remote shock collar comes in several styles to help you pick the right dog collar for your training.  They come in different sizes, various correction levels and short and long distances .  A dog training collar is effective to train even the most stubborn dog.  The dog collar contains the receiver with the prongs, and  the remote is used for providing the stimulation.  A shock collar does work very well and very quickly.   It will be the best investment for you and your dog. Have an enjoyable life with your dog rather than always being upset with his behavior.

Benefits of a Bark Collar

November 18, 2009

Studies have shown that the second most common complaint made to police stations are complaints about barking dogs!  Unfortunately the result for the dog owner are warnings, fines, eviction notices and unhappy neighbors.

Due to their natural way of communication dogs bark.  Dogs bark for many reasons, but none of us wants a dog that barks day in and day out.

A bark collar is the most humane device you can use to cease your dog’s excessive barking.  A bark control dog collar is an effective way to stop barking dogs in a safe manor, humanely and quickly.   It is really hard to correct a dogs excessive barking if you don’t address it immediately. The bark collar is a valuable dog training collar for an owner who doesn’t have time to train their pet.  Some people believe a bark control collar is unsafe or mistreating your pet.   The type dog collar used for bark control uses sound to modify the barking patterns, and are quite safe.

When choosing a dog training collar, be sure to choose one to fit your dogs needs, there several types of the bark collar to help you train your pet’s excessive barking habits.   Depending how small, large or stubborn your dog is there is a training collar for every type of dog and situation.

Bark collars will give your dog a harmless static correction when he starts barking.  The dog collar will adjust the level of correction automatically depending on his barking.  Some collars have several levels of correction some with not so many.  This type of bark collar is very effective, many dogs  stop barking very quickly.  I have personally used this type of training dog collar and had immediate results; I would highly recommend this to any dog owner who wants to stop their dog from over barking.  You will be happy and your neighbors will be overjoyed.

The citronella spray bark collar is also a good dog training collar.  This citronella dog collar  targets your dog’s senses to get  immediate results.  Every time your dog barks, a microphone will detect the barking and the bark collar releases a harmless spray of citronella.  It is safe, effective and is not at all painful.  It needs no human involvement to work and has no negative effects.  The nice thing is this collar has sort of a calming effect on your pet.

With the spray type dog training collars your dog will quickly stop barking, he becomes conditioned to expect the spray and will instinctively refrain from excessive barking to avoid another spray.

Dog Training Collar

November 8, 2009

ist1_1392286-chesapeake-bay-retriever DOG TRAINING COLLARS

Having the proper dog training accessories can make training your dog a whole lot easier.  Aside from the   usual needs of any canine, such as a comfy bed or doghouse, his own bowls, your lovable pup needs dog-training accessories. For  dog training to be truly successful, the primary essential components are you the dog trainer and a dog that is determined, patience, and willing to learn. To be able to have a training that is reliable and productive and to be able to yield immediate and positive results, you ought to provide your dog with the right set of training accessories.

Why pay high prices for dog training school when you can train your dog quickly and easily with a Dog Training Collar.  I have used them myself and believe they work great and not at all harmful to your dog.  So if plan to train your dog at home, then you can purchase a training Dog Collar.

There are several to choose from so use these pointers to help you make the right choice.

  • Know right tools for the right training. The right type of training collar depends on the type of training you would like your dog to engage with. There is a specific set of equipment that is designed to hone skills needed for each specific field. Also, make up your mind about the dept of the training you would like to impose.
  • Function over fashion. Choose a training collar that function well, not something that looks good on your dog but is difficult to use.
  • Comfort is essential. Be sure that the dog training collar is fit for your dog. The right choice of materials depends on the size of your dog. The correct material is one that does not compromise the comfort, safety, and
    the health of your dog.
  • Take the age and the characteristic as bases. The correct training collar to choose should correlate with your pet’s age and behavior. Sometimes, breed is an important consideration as well.
  • Choose the items that also suites you well. Dog Training accessories should also be easy to use and manage for you.  Go for a dog collar that will allow you to train at ease.